Ashlee Symcox Functional Nutrition

Heal - Truly Live - Thrive

Ashlee Symcox Functional Nutrition

Heal - Truly Live - Thrive

Helping you become your own best healer

If you’re navigating chronic illness, you’re a part of the club nobody wanted to join.

Are you looking for answers, but still feel confused, overwhelmed with information, and defeated?

Have you been dismissed as if your symptoms were an imagination?

Are you beginning to wonder if what you’re dealing with really is in your head?  

I am here to tell you that I understand. What you are experiencing is not “all in your head”.  Your symptoms are real and there is a root-cause.  My job is to help you figure it out and support the body so it can heal.

Are You Experiencing...

Chronic Fatigue


Mold Illness

Metabolic Dysfunction

Thyroid Dysfunction

Autoimmune Disease

Neurological Challenges

Hormone Imbalance

Weight Gain

Digestive Issues

Blood Sugar Dysregulation


Histamine Intolerance

Lyme Disease

Hormone Imbalances

Discover my 4-step proven process to get you well:


I dive into your health history and carefully examine your symptoms, listen closely to your concerns, and leave no stone unturned so that we get to THE ROOT of your health concerns.


No one knows your body better than you. With your input and my expertise, we work closely together so that you are equipped to become your own best healer. I am wholeheartedly committed to helping guide you in creating a plan that is unique to YOU.


Your healing starts NOW. Your healed life is just on the other side of our collaborative plan. I help you with habit forming strategies as well as give you tools to develop follow-through and maintain a healing mindset.


At each follow-up, we will analyze your progress and modify it if needed. The best part is this is where we celebrate your wins!

What sets me apart

There are many functional nutritionists, medical doctors, nurses, health coaches, practitioners, etc. out there. So, why work with me?

Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Central Oklahoma, 2009

Over 11 years spent as a practicing ER Travel nurse
Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, The Nutritional Therapy Association, 2020

Team approach vs. an authoritative approach
I am well prepared for your appointment and will remember even the smallest of details. You will always know that you are important to me and will never feel rushed.

I believe that you know your body best and are your own best healer, I am here to guide you any way I can!

The 10 Blocks of Healing From Chronic Illness

The 10 Blocks to Healing From Chronic Illness is my proven-to-work approach to working with clients to overcome chronic illness. It’s similar to a roadmap. It allows you to see where you are and where you are going. However, unlike a roadmap that indicates a beginning and an end that you passively arrive at (with a practitioner at the wheel), the blocks build upon each other, creating a block tower. You are the builder. With my support, recommendations, and guidance as your practitioner, you will BUILD (or re-build) your health. You are not just along for the ride in the backseat hoping to arrive at your final destination of wellness. The 10 Block approach creates and strengthens your autonomy and ability to clearly define your health goals as we work together to help you accomplish them. Working through the blocks will renew your confidence in yourself and will feel very gratifying. I am here for you every “block” of the way, but those that heal understand that it comes down to their commitment and determination on your part.

It really starts here. Be empowered by the TRUTH that you CAN heal! Your belief that you can heal will carry you through the ups and downs of the healing journey! Your mindset will make or break the healing experience.

Step 2

Finding and working alongside a health practitioner that is competent and that you trust is crucial. I call the initial part of this ‘Onboarding’. Onboarding takes place before and during your Initial Appointment. This is where an assessment of your current health challenges as well as a thorough review of your history take place. This is a time for you to gain clarity and insight.

In Functional Medicine, it’s often said to “test, don’t guess”. ​ This is a great point. Comprehensive bloodwork and Functional Testing provide deeper insight and can reveal the root-cause of your health struggles. ​ You can eliminate a lot of confusion and take back a lot of your time when you know WHAT it is that is causing you to be sick and tailor your efforts there with pristine focus.

Foundational health includes supporting the very processes and systems that our overall health stands on. ​ Healing from chronic illness has to happen on solid ground, not on quicksand. ​ A determination (based off of symptoms, testing, and a thorough health assessment) will be made on which foundations you, specifically, will need to support the most.

Inflammation is the consequence of pathogens and toxicities that are activating the immune system causing it to release histamine, cytokines, and other immune activity. ​ Chronic inflammation is almost always paired with poor cellular health and cell signaling (your cells ability to communicate with each other). We will support the elimination of cellular debris that accumulates as well as strengthen the cell membrane to allow nutrients to come in and support cellular health.

Healthy drainage pathways include having regular bowel movements (bowel), optimal bile flow (gallbladder) and fully functioning Phase 1 and Phase 2 of liver detoxification (liver), great lymphatic movement (lymphatic system), and sweating regularly (cellular health). ​ It also includes supporting mitochondrial function which is important for mobilizing and draining toxins out of the body.

Being exposed to mold in the environment (home, work, etc.) ​ as well as common food sources (corn, coffee, dried fruit, etc.) ​ is very common and can cause many to suffer especially when there is an impaired ability to detoxify the mycotoxins (microscopic toxins released by mold species that are inhaled/absorbed/digested). ​ It’s important to start here with root-cause work. ​ Addressing mycotoxins from mold and other biotoxins will balance the TH1 and TH2 immune system.

Parasitic infections are very common in the United States and can be picked up from walking barefoot outside, eating undercooked meat, or drinking contaminated water. ​ Parasites also harbor heavy metals and create opportunistic infections like candida/yeast overgrowth. ​ There are other gastrointestinal infections like Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and H.pylori may need to be addressed. ​ Ridding the body of pathological microbes and establishing better overall microbiome health goes a long way in fully healing from chronic illness.

Heavy metal exposure can come from drinking tap water, having mercury/amalgam dental fillings, and other exposures. ​ Environmental toxins can come from pesticides, cleaning products used everyday in the home, and even personal care products like shampoo and deodorant. ​ Binding and removing these toxic elements is crucial to healing at the root-cause level. ​ It’s all about emptying your total toxic bucket that has been accumulating toxins that you’ve been exposed to your entire life. ​ The less this bucket holds, the less likely it will overflow which leads to chronic health issues.

Stealth or chronic infections like Lyme Disease and it’s co-infections need to be addressed and are often at the root of many chronic health issues. ​ When the above blocks have been worked through, this block is completed more successfully and with more ease.

The goal is to start at Block 1 and work your way to Block 10. Since healing is almost never a straight shot, you are able to move up and down the ladder of the block tower based on what you specifically need as things are always changing in life, circumstances, finances, ability to tolerate protocol, new findings, etc. Certain blocks can be skipped all together when testing shows that a particular block is not an issue for you. Each block(once completed) sets you up for success in the next block. Some blocks take longer than others and there really are no time limits or expectations to complete each block. It comes down to what you specifically need and how long at each block is entirely up to how well you are able to work through them.

This 10 Block system has been a very successful framework for many of my clients struggling with various chronic illnesses. It cuts out the overwhelm and is designed in the most evidence-based approach and order in which to address chronic health conditions. While this Block system serves as a great framework for almost everyone, keep in mind that each person is different with different needs and that a unique to you bio-individual protocol or Wellness Plan will be created within this framework based on what you need specifically. Get ready to climb your way out of chronic illness!

Turn Confusion into CLARITY – Illness into HEALTH – Barely Surviving to THRIVING.

It’s time to heal and live the life you dream of living. You’ve been suffering long enough and every day that goes by is another day stuck in survival mode. It’s another day staying dependent on systems and patterns that aren’t moving your forward. It’s another day relying on others to help you do tasks that you would much rather be doing yourself. It’s another day spent not getting better.

I want you to be healed of your chronic illness and live a life of purpose. I want you to thrive.  Together, we will create an actionable plan that will equip you to heal.

I believe that there is more to truly healing from chronic illness than just bandaging symptoms and hoping for the best. If this is you too, then you’re at the right place. Let’s get to know one another.

– Ashlee 

In the meantime, let’s stay connected!

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